Thursday, August 1, 2013

Healing Experience (The First 3 days Post-Op)

Hey Everyone,
So I'm writing this post a little past 3 days post-op. Here I'm going to talk about what healing has been like over these first 3 days.

Let me start by saying, healing has been WAY better than I expected. I thought I would be in way more pain, but overall it really hasn't been half bad. I was expecting to be in so much pain. I was super scared of how much pain I'd be in and the pain I have is way less then I thought it would be. I had spoke with a man who had the same procedure with the same surgeon last year and how he described his healing is what I thought it would be like for me. He had a very very rough and painful healing. It just goes to show you that everyone's body is different. So I'm describing what I would call a piece-of-cake healing process but other guys having the same procedure might have a very very different healing process. This is just my personal experience.

Day 1 -
I was pretty out of it coming home from the hospital. Reminder that this was an outpatient procedure, so I was in surgery for 4 hours, the recovery room for about 2.5 hours and then was released. We went to Walmart to fill my scripts and buy an extra pillow. I was walking around very slowly (and like a cowboy) with my friend holding my hand only a few hours after surgery which is kind of amazing when you think about it. But once the Novocaine down there fully wore off walking was less comfortable. lol Still not terrible. With this surgery there was never a time when I could not walk. I just need to take it easy and rest so I'm not doing a ton of walking. The surgeon and his nurses did encourage that I continue to do my normal walking, for example get up to go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, get my food, etc. They wanted me to keep doing normal things but also to make sure I do a lot of resting. So resting I did!

That first 24 hours I was really busy texting everyone, updating my facebook, and calling people. lol Everyone of course wanted to know how I was doing and I was super excited to let everyone know. Pain was extremely well managed. As I mentioned on another post, when I woke up in recovery, they offered to give me pain medication through the IV but I was in no pain so I said "No." And from that point on I just took the prescribed one or two 5mg percocet every 4 hours. Mostly I just take one pill. Occasionally if after 30-60 minutes after taking it I feel like I need a 2nd then I take the 2nd pill. Ice has been really nice at taking away any aches too.

One thing that I want to make note of during the first 24 hours that I was NOT expecting was the bleeding! There was blood and I'm such worrier so that was scary. To me if something is bleeding there is something wrong! But my friends as well as my surgeon's nurses reassured me I was fine. They had me in a jockstrap stuffed with gauze and yes that gauze ended up with a lot of blood in it. I was grossed out. And scared but apparently there was no reason to be. The scariest and grossest thing was whenever I peed. I lowered the jock strap to go pee and every single time I did during the first day I could actually see blood dripping. It wasn't a ton but it was dribbling and dripping from here and there out of the various stitched up areas. By the end of the first 24 hours the blood had almost entirely stopped. At day 3 right now I actually still have one spot under my penis that every so often still lets a little tiny blood drip. I'm not even sure if it's blood or just you know various fluid because it isn't bright red so it might be just a mixture of blood and fluid. But it seems to be fine. And all the other places that were dripping blood that first day are all fine too. The nurse, that I talked to multiple times that poor woman, said it was only a concern if there was a ton of blood to the point that you were bleeding through lots of gauze. I mean don't get me wrong I can show you a picture of that friggin jock strap from day one and it ended up quite red by the end of it in spite of all the gauze in there but it was still fine.

But overall the first 24 hours was a piece of cake. I would just say it was annoying because the drains needed to be emptied every 4 hours so that was annoying but pain was very minimal. Another annoying thing was that after surgery they encouraged me to slowly transition to solid food again. So the night after surgery all I had was yogurt, crackers, and nutritional shakes. The morning after surgery I got up with my friends and they brought me to the wicked awesome continental breakfast at our hotel. I are solid food for the first time and ate probably way too much. lol But it was soo good! But then my stomach hurt a little after that. I took a nap and I was fine. Oh and at the continental breakfast, I tried bringing a pillow and sitting on a pillow down there. The chair and pillow were comfortable enough but because of my pubic lift incision there was no way I could learn forward to use a table while sitting. So I gave up on that. There were some high tables with stools so Lauren and Kendra saw on the stools and I stood and ate my breakfast. I was more than happy with that! Oh and a nurse from my surgeon's office called me this morning to check on me and make sure I was doing okay.

Day 2 -
Things were easier, we only had to empty my drain twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, so that was nice. And my stomach was all ready well acclimated to solid food so I could eat whatever I wanted, and that was great! I was feeling quite well so we decided to visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum! The walk from the car to the museum was a little too long for my liking. We realized later I could have gotten dropped off closer but oh well. The walking to the door, ya it kinda sucked. I was going really slow so it took forever and it made me achy. But once I got inside, my friends grabbed me a wheel chair. Rental was free. I brought a big soft pillow to sit on so I sat on it fairly comfortably with some minor fidgeting and adjusting lol and my friends pushed me around through the whole museum. I loved the museum by the way and it was awesome to be out of the hotel room. But by the time we got back to the car my testicles were definitely quite achy. I took a pain pill and we got stuck in a lot of traffic but I leaned the seat back and I was okay. When I got to my hotel room I made sure I laid down right away and did lots of icing!!! Pain went away pretty quickly once I laid down and got ice on the area. I think the act of sitting up was what made me achy. I was learning and slouching as much as possible in the wheel chair and was using the pillow but no matter what, if you're not laying down flat on your back, you're going to put some type of pressure on the testicles and they just were not happy about that! lol You have to figure, that was skin that previously had nothing in there and was much smaller, suddenly it was hollowed out, stretched, and stuffed with balls then sewn up. They've been through a whole lot, so they're not at all happy unless you're just laying down. Even then sometimes they kind of get aches.

Day 3 -
Kendra didn't wanna go to breakfast so me and Lauren decided to just go down, grab some food and come back up. Today was an achier then usual day. Maybe it was from the sitting around in the wheel chair yesterday that did it to me but def a little more pain. It was still nothing excruciating. It had it's very achy moments but nothing insane. Today I really spent the day relaxing. My friends went to check out Lake Erie and get food but I just laid low in the hotel. I did lots of icing and staying off my feet. I have a laptop tray for bed that I use for eating or using my laptop and the hotel has free wifi so the time really goes by. With the internet at your finger tips you manage to pass the time. It takes your mind off of any aches and pains you might have too so that's nice. I also have my xbox360 set up to the TV so I have netflix and can watch a ton of different things. I also am borrowing my friends Nintendo 3DS with a bunch of games.

So ya, not too much happened today it was pretty low key. The one big event today was my first post-op bowel movement this evening. Now I normally do not have bowel movements very often so I wasn't concerned much about it but since I know sometimes doctors really want to make sure you're movements are good after surgery I figured I'd call and ask them about that. The nurse said it was fine that I haven't had one yet since I normally don't go every day and since I'm on pain medication but she did say it would be good to take some Milk of Magnesia to encourage a bowel movement sooner rather than later that way if there was something blocked we'd find out about it now rather then waiting. So I took the Milk of Mag (over the counter stuff by the way) and all day I could feel you know my body preparing for it. I was scared. lol Because I thought pushing might hurt. Finally around like 11pm I sat there for a long long time and finally went to the bathroom but honestly it took a lot out of me. My body felt physically exhausted afterwards. It didn't hurt to push at all but sitting on the toilet is not comfortable so I couldn't really just sit relaxed like I normally would. I was very tense and on top of that trying to hard to push so by the end my stomach, lower back, butt, and upper leg muscles felt weak like jello. My stomach felt great after the BM but my body felt like it had been through the ringer! And it was late and I still had to empty my drain, let my friend wash my penis and balls and put on the medicated ointment and all that. Oh and I needed to take my testosterone shot so I was very frustrated and feeling irritable and sick of healing at this point.

But once that stuff was all done, I heated up my bath clothes, wiped myself down. washed my face really good. had a snack, took my meds and I was in a much better mood. And now that I've updated my blog I feel very accomplished! So everything is good.

I have my first (possibly last) post-op appointment tomorrow at 1:15pm. Then me and my friends are going to go to the Cleveland Zoo. I hope I get this drain out because that means we'll be able to head home sooner. It also means I'll be able to take a real shower which will be soooo nice. But I don't want to jinx it so we'll see! Either way I'll update soon.

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