Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Feelings Post-Op (emotionally)

Feelings! Sorry I wanted to write this nicely so I was waiting for at least most of the fog to clear from anesthesia and post-op pain medicine etc. But I'm finally writing my "feelings" blog post!

Okay, for one, I'm happy. That's an understatement. lol I mean I still have a long way to go with healing but right now, considering I'm only 9 days post-op I look fantastic and pain is pretty much gone at this point it's more just sometimes uncomfortable and I get very tired really easy because my body is still healing. I can't really touch it all that much at this point, you know other then cleaning it which needs to be done very thorough but also very gentle. There's no man-handling it yet obviously but just it's just great. lol The little bit of touching I can do, and looking in the mirror, it's wonderful. Let me sort of explain from the start what it was like after surgery up until this point.

I woke up out of surgery, so out of it it's not even funny. Shortly after waking up in the recovery room, they showed me my penis. I was definitely glad it was there and everything. It looked nice, but I was really high and couldn't see the balls because everything was very swollen and I couldn't bend forward at all. So as you might have read in my surgery experience post, I think the first thing I said was "Are the balls in there?" lmao And the nurse confirmed that "Yes, there are two testicle implants." lol I left soon after and my friends took me to my hotel room. I got a better look at things in the full length mirror. Granted, everything was a mess, swollen like crazy, bruising, stitches, bleeding all over, and I was really nervous because I'm scared of blood and have a weak stomach for all that kind of stuff when it's on my own body. lol But I looked in the mirror and even though it was messy, I was very impressed with the general shape of things. Didn't take much time to look at it though, because I was very out of it still and needed rest. So it was more of an acknowledgment that, okay, everything seems to be in place, great, I am going to put this gauze back on and not think about all of this blood. lol

Day 1, once I was a full 24 hours post-op, that was it. By that point almost everything had stopped bleeding so it was game on! I still could barely bend forward so I grabbed the digital camera and took a bunch of pictures of things from various angles so that I could really catch a glimpse of things. Now that is when I was really impressed with things! I was like heck ya! lol Again it was still really swollen but I couldn't believe how good it all ready looked. It was kind of shocking. It was a surreal moment. I remember just thinking over and over, "Oh my god, I have a dick!" It was like I needed someone to pinch me because it was hard to believe this was finally real.

 I'm honestly, slightly scared saying this stuff because I don't want to jinx anything so ::knock on wood:: since I still have a lot of healing left to do. Things will change over time, but at this point, man, I just feel so lucky to have results looking this good and so early on. I took some pictures farther away from me, that included more of my whole body, and it was just so amazing because I really have a totally physically male body. My chest is beautiful. My body is beautiful. My penis is beautiful. As beautiful as a hairy man-body and a penis can be, that is. But in my eyes, it's so beautiful. It's unbelievable really. I had many moments so in disbelief and so proud of how amazing I look. Every so often while using the bathroom I caught glimpses of myself in the mirror and was so pleasantly surprised every time.

So then the Doctors orders were to start washing the area with warm soapy water once a day after I was 24 hours post-op. My friend had to help me, and by help I mean I stood in the shower scared of the water touching it and clutching onto the safety railing, while she did all the cleaning. lol But this showering and drying up experience was my first time parading around without the jockstrap on (or any other clothes for that matter). And I remember taking a step and feeling the slight vibration of my penis bounce just a little bit! haha Again I was pleasantly surprised. It was a new experience that shocked me but at the same time made me so happy. It was a really cool feeling to finally have genitals being so exposed and free outside of my body! lol

And after she washed my penis and I dried off, I sponge bathed the rest of my body (I couldn't get my drain tube wet so couldn't take a real shower for 4 days). And what I'm about to say might be to much info but I promised I would tell all, so here it goes. I was sponge bathing my butt and looking back into the mirror while I was doing it. And I saw my balls hanging down under my butt! haha again I was surprised but so happy because it was a very different view from that angle back when I was pre-op. I love how masculine the view is now. lol

So that first cleaning experience was really amazing. Seeing my body from all sorts of different angles. It was like an exploration. lol Like I was finally discovering my body. And I can't even put into words how happy it made me feel.

I guess I was so surprised because it was all just so new. A trans friend recently said we have in our mind how we want our body to be, but we're so used to not having it for so long, when it finally happens, it's just so hard to believe its true.

I think it was also such a shock because I went into it with low expectations. I knew the risks that I was taking aesthetically. Not all lower surgeries turn out the same. Everyone's body is different. You just have to to find a surgeon who seems to work well with people of your body type, and who uses a technique that you feel comfortable having done on your body. Then you take a big huge chance and hope for the best. I took that chance. So far, I'm thrilled. I had a lot of concerns going in. Scared of bad positioning of the penis (either too low on the body or too hidden by scrotal skin), or scared of it being poorly shaped, scared of the balls being too high up, or scared of it still looking like I have a vagina. lol No seriously, I think that was my biggest fear. I was scared I was going to wake up, look at it, and it was still going to look like a vagina.... But it doesn't. Not at all. I feel like once the stitches are out and I can actually stand up and walk normally (lol) that I could stand naked in a men's dressing room and while my penis is very small, I don't think anyone would have any question of whether or not I have a penis. As I said many times pre-op, I'm totally okay with people thinking I have a small penis. I'm not okay with people thinking I have a vagina. I don't have to worry about that anymore. I have this awesome beautiful cute little package and I feel like this huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Like I can finally breathe! Like I can finally walk naked and stand in the mirror and be proud of what I see. It's a wonderful, wonderful feeling. I have the overwhelming feeling that my small penis and I are going to do just fine in this world. haha I still haven't ruled out phalloplasty somewhere down the line, but for now, I feel a million times better than I did before. I finally feel comfortable.

One last experience on the topic of feelings that I want to share. Now mind you, that first 5 days I was way too scared to touch anything down there. There was literally a time when I was taking off the jockstrap so Lauren could put my antibiotic ointment on and my hand accidentally brushed up against the penis. I screamed "Oh my god! I just touched it. Is it okay?" lol I had penis-paranoia. I was so scared to hurt it. lol So Lauren basically took care of it for me, putting the ointment on 3 times a day and rinsing it with hot soapy water. The only time I touched it was after I urinated I would dab the area gently with a baby wipe. There was this one brave moment, a few days post-op, where I gently touched the head of my penis to test sensation. There is excellent sensation, by the way! lol (So add that to the list of things I'm happy about.) But otherwise I did very little touching. So Saturday morning at 5 days post-op when I took my first real shower, after the drain had been removed, I was instructed to really wash my penis. And it was kind of amazing. It was my first time really touching it all of it, skin on skin, without gloves or baby wipes. Just my wet soapy hands on my junk. lol And it was really cool to feel it all. To hold it (very gently!) But it was just another one of those moments where I was ecstatic!

So I think that's enough about me explicitly describing how I've discovered myself since surgery. lol I'm going to let myself heal up for a month or so and give you an update on how I'm feeling about everything. I can't wait to take this thing for a test run. I know it works because another lovely thing that happened in that shower..... so I'm over there very gently washing it, touching it nicely.
lol it only got semi-hard before the pain set in and it stopped. So it was fine. And hey, it was nice to know that function works. I'm eager to see how hard it gets and what not. But I'm definitely going to let everything fully heal before I go down that street. lol

By the way, day 9 healing today, everything seems to be going well. I haven't taken any pain meds today except for Motrin so yay! And I'm going to a LGBT film festival tonight which I'm excited about. Totally unrelated, but just wanted everyone to know that, yes, I'm very capable of doing things. I just get tired very quickly, oh and I still walk like a cowboy. lol Though I'm still not driving but I'm in no rush to. I'm sure I could if I really needed to, now that I'm off of the pain medicine.

Anyways, thanks for reading. I hope you found it helpful or amusing or whatever feeling you were hoping it would make you feel. lol I'll write again soon!


  1. Yes I did! Yesterday it was removed! Didn't hurt at all. And I got to have my first real shower. Yay! Feel like a million bucks. Now that the drain is out I get to leave so I'm actually laying in the back seat of my car now. Lol have a 10 hour drive home. Tomorrow when I'm home and setlled in I'll be sure top update my blog and discuss the details of healing the last few days and having the drains removed.

  2. from what you said Your a grower. not everyone is. ( grower means it gets bigger when aroused )

  3. I definitely get bigger when I'm aroused but only by approx. 25% of my flaccid length. It does however get a lot thicker.

    Call it whatever you want. I'm just happy with it. :-)

  4. it is the 11th how are you doing.

    1. Hey, I'm doing very well. I will update sometime today about how the last few days have been healing. But overall, everything is looking great. Swelling has come way down. Pain is almost non-exsistant. Just some aches in the testicle area after I do a lot of moving around. Walk has become much easier and even sitting up straight is slowly becoming easier.

  5. Hi there,
    I was researching FTM transitions for my niece and came across your blogs.

    I'm glad that your surgery went well and that you are finally happy! :)

    My 15 year-old niece has recently told me that she is transgender. She has yet to tell her parents or anyone else.

    I'm extremely open-minded and supportive of her and just want "him" to be happy! He is miserable, has been cutting and has been under suicide watch quite a few times this year.

    He has lots of questions as you can imagine. One of which I was wondering if you have the answer to. "Do you have to continue taking testosterone injections for life?"

    Thank you in advance for your response.

    1. Hey G-Rod,

      When it comes to transitioning you don't "have" to do anything. I'm going to speak only for FTMs here just to simplify my answer.

      Some FTMs chose to live as male without having any physical transition. In other words, no hormones and no surgery. These are usually guys who can not physically transition due to health related issues or because they simply feel comfortable enough in their own skin but want to be recognized as male by the people around them. They might bind their chest and otherwise present as male but never decide to have hormones or surgery.

      Other FTMs decide they want one or the other, hormones or surgery. So you have some who go on hormones and never have surgery, and others who have surgery but never go on hormones. Or some who go on hormones and have some surgeries but not others. There is no right or wrong way to do transition. As a friend once put it, we have a buffet" of options for what we can do with our bodies and we pick and chose whichever options we want until we feel comfortable.

      Your nephew might decide to go on hormones and then after he has had the physical changes that he likes he can then go off them. Some changes of testosterone are permanent and some changes are not. Example, facial hair, body hair, deep voice are all permanent changes. Whereas things like body fat distribution, muscle gain, cessation of menstruation are all examples of changes that are not permanent if someone stopped taking hormones. I've known many trans men who have been on hormones for a few years, got hairy and got deep voices, and then stopped taking hormones because they didn't want to take it for the rest of their life. While their body fat starts to change to a more feminine shape and what not, they still had deep voices, were hairy, and looked quite male. They are happy with that and again there is no right or wrong way to transition so it would really be your nephews decision if he wanted to stay on hormones for the rest of his life. There is no rule book on this stuff. We really get to pick and chose as we go. lol

      Hope that helps and any other questions, please feel free to ask.

  6. Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly but most importantly for elaborating on the subject, I was just expecting a yes or no answer Lol

    I never realized how many "choices" there were until you pointed them out.

    I will pass this wealth of information on to my nephew. I am certain that my nephew will be surprised as well by all of the possibilities and that in the end he will find himself and be happy.

    Thank you again. :)
